- Listing Name:
- Legends-Home Plate
- Season Plan:
- Full Season (2025)
(81 total games) - Seats Per Game:
- 2 - 4
- Price Level:
- Legends Club
- Section / Row / Seat:
H / 7 / 12
H / 7 / 13
H / 7 / 14
H / 7 / 15
- Games Available:
- 15
- Price Per Ticket:
- $65.00
- Payment Method:
- Venmo
- Delivery Method:
- Ticket Forwarding
- Offer Minimum:
- 8 games
- Aisle Seating:
- Yes

- Games Available:
- 15
- Price Per Ticket:
- $65.00
How will my games get determined?
For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the MyTwins Member. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:
Online Draft
New partner will participate in Online Draft. Draft will be held at a time and date agreeable to the majority of partners. Draft picks will be based on the number of games each partner is purchasing. Draft Order will be set fairly giving all partners a pick in the first round and the remaining picks will be fairly determined based on the proportion of games owned by each partner. The Draft Order shall NOT unfairly benefit or harm any partner(s). All games and tickets shall be included in the draft.
Hi! I’m looking to purchase tickets for my hubby for our anniversary gift. I’d like to get 2 for the 5 games you mentioned in the ad but I’m confused because the listing said 8 was the minimum. Is it possible to buy-in for the 5 games? Thanks so much for the help! I’ve never purchased season tickets before!
What a great wife! I am sure your husband will really appreciate the tickets! You can purchase 5 games even though the app indicates eight. I would have two options for you. I have tickets 3 rows behind the Champions Club right behind home plate. There are two seats on the aisle for each game in that group and I could sell you 5 games. I also have 4 seats in the Legends Club right behind home plate. I would prefer to only sell all four seats for each of those games. If you are not willing to purchase the tickets 3 rows up behind home plate, then I would consider selling you just two seats for 5 games in the Legends Club, but would ask for $65 per seat (instead of $60) since it will be harder for me to sell the other 2 tickets for those games. Let me know what you think. Hopefully we can work something out.
I would be interested in 10 games/40 seats. How many partners currently in your group? Regarding draft, is process back to back picks of two tickets, which allows you to decide if you like 4 or 2 seats for games you would attend? Do all shareholders/partners get Sweet spot card?
There are currently 6 partners for the Legends seats. The draft process is 1 pick for all 4 seats to the game. For this year, there are no 2-seat options for these tickets. That will likely change next year. Yes, all partners that have 10 games or more are signed up for a sweet spot card. Go ahead and make me an offer through the system for 10 games of 4 seats per game and I will approve yet today.
How many group members? Regarding draft process, is it back to back picks of two tickets? Thus allowing you to decide if you like 4 or 2 seats for games drafting/attending.
There are five additional members of the group besides me. Each person holds between 5 and 15 games of 4 seats. At this time, I am only selling 4 seats per game. We use a zipper draft method with 5 games representing 1 share. There are 16 shares in total. (5x16=80 games). i usually take the extra game to make 81 games. For example, the person with the number 1 pick (assuming they had 1 share), would then wait until the shares went up and back down before they got their next pick. The person with the 16th pick, would also get number 17 before the process goes back down to the 1st person again. Hopefully this makes sense. If not, ask me for clarification. Thanks Don Frank
I am sorry just seen your offer for the 5 games I would of loved working with you on those games, However not hearing back from I thought you weren't going to go with my offer so I pick up someones else's offer. I was able to find just what I wanted sorry again GO TWINS
I had friends in town for 3 days, so was not checking the site. I hope your other deal works out well for you.
I would like to proceed. How do I see if the games if like to go to are available? I want to see what games are available before I “send an offer” thanks!
You would be part of the draft process that i have in late March. I have 16 shares of 5 games. Because you want 3 games with 4 seats and 3 games with 2 seats, I would give you one share. We use a zipper method of drafting. 1-32,2-31,3,30, etc. So you would have access to whatever games are available when your selections come up. For example, if you ended up in the 10th position (random draw for position), you would have the 10th pick and then the 23rd pick, then the 42nd pick and the 55th pick, finally the 74th pick. If you are unable to make the draft, you can send me your priorities and I can draft for you.
After reading your Ad again if you don't want to break up the seats we would be willing to take 4 seats for 5 games. Or as I asked before 2 seats for 10 games. What ever works better for you.
Yes, I would do 4 seats for 5 games for this year. Hopefully next year you can find another couple and possibly take more games. Please send me an offer for 5 games with 4 seats.
Ok , I have only purchased tickets from Twins ticket office so how does all this work. I see you use Venmo is that correct? I am still waiting on the other couple to make sure they are in on the other two seats in our group of 4. However I didn't want to lose my two seats while I wait. So can I get my two seat and possibly get the other two contracted later if they decide. Or would you recommend I wait and do all 4 seats together?? If possible I would like the two aisle seats. Sorry for any issues not a big computer guy!!
I am not sure how this works exactly either. I think it would be best if we waiting to see if your other group is in for the other two tickets. I am not sure I want to split up that many games at this point as most people that have been inquiring have been looking at all 4 seats. How about if i hold 4 seats for the 10 games for 7-10 days to give you a chance to hear back from the other people. If I get other offers that would cause me to run short of tickets, i will let you know before committing to anything. That puts you in first position and allows you to hopefully finish your deal without worrying about losing the tickets.
Are these seat still available? Looking at 4 seats for up to 10 games. Also would it be possible to maybe increase the number of games for future seasons. Thanks for the possible tickets Mike
Yes, the tickets are still available for either 5 games or 10 games (all 4 seats for each game). Let me know if you would like me to proceed with an agreement. It could be possible to increase for future seasons, but I can't commit to how many will be available at this time.
I would be interested in purchasing 6 games, if possible? 2 seats for 3 games, 4 seats for 3 games. Would that work?
I assume you would like all tickets in the Legends Club. I can make this work. I can also sell you 4 seats to 3 games in the legends club and 2 seats for 3 games in my home plate box seats, which are excellent seats as well. Let me know what you would prefer.
Thank you for the update. I was wondering if you had August 19 game versus the diamondbacks available. Thank you.
I have my two tickets behind home plate available for that game. My Legends Club tickets are sold already. Let me know if you would like to purchase the two behind home plate.
Do you have all of your games and tickets sold? Also wondering if you would sell single game tickets? Thanks
I have single game tickets left that I would be willing to sell. All my tickets through July 31st are gone, but I have several games remaining in August and September. Let me know if you would like a listing.
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